
أنثى, 29 سنة, القوس.

هي غير متصل الآن. كانت آخر مرة منذ وقت طويل.
متى ستكون على الإنترنت؟
ابحث عن فتاة عبر الإنترنت


أصلأبيض / قوقازي
الارتفاع (سم)154
الوزن (كجم)54
حجم الثديمتوسطة الحجم
حجم الحماركبيرة الحجم
لون الشعرشقراء
لون العينأسمر


My name is Ariana I m so happy to meet you.I love dance,lough and make you have a good time with me!I m a girl that like the little things of the life, I like to trevel and try new dishes.I m working hard for my dreams and my goals and for this i want to


My name is Ariana I m so happy to meet you.I love dance,lough and make you have a good time with me!I m a girl that like the little things of the life, I like to trevel and try new dishes.I m working hard for my dreams and my goals and for this i want...

My name is Ariana I m so happy to meet you.I love dance,lough and make you have a good time with me!I m a girl that like the little things of the life, I like to trevel and try new dishes.I m working hard for my dreams and my goals and for this i want ...

انا يعجبني

First of all a kind and a happy person is turn me on, better let you descover me!

أنا لا أحب

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