
أنثى, 24 سنة, السرطان.

هي غير متصل الآن. كانت آخر مرة منذ وقت طويل.
متى ستكون على الإنترنت؟
ابحث عن فتاة عبر الإنترنت


أصللاتيني / اسباني
توجيهثنائي الجنس
الارتفاع (سم)158
الوزن (كجم)47
حجم الثديصغيرة الحجم
حجم الحمارمتوسطة الحجم
لون الشعرامرأة سمراء
لون العينأسمر


Welcome and thanks for visiting my profile, I'm Liah from Venezuela, I'm 22 years old and I'm a full-time model, I like several things that you'll only know if you're really interested, I'm here to live a little better than now, help my family and share


Welcome and thanks for visiting my profile, I'm Liah from Venezuela, I'm 22 years old and I'm a full-time model, I like several things that you'll only know if you're really interested, I'm here to live a little better than now, help my family and...

Welcome and thanks for visiting my profile, I'm Liah from Venezuela, I'm 22 years old and I'm a full-time model, I like several things that you'll only know if you're really interested, I'm here to live a little better than now, help my family and shar...

انا يعجبني

Your vibes make me horny

أنا لا أحب

that you ask me for things without motivating me