أنثى / 23 سنة / الدلو
هي ليست على الإنترنت الآن. آخر مرة كانت منذ فترة طويلة.
اسم | Fabelyna (fabelyna) |
أين | Canada, Ottawa |
عِرق | عرب |
اللغات | الإنجليزية, الفرنسية |
التفضيلات | مستقيم |
ارتفاع | 178 |
وزن | 47 |
حجم تمثال نصفي | صغيرة الحجم |
حجم الحمار | متوسطة الحجم |
كس | محلوق |
لون الشعر | امرأة سمراء |
لون العين | أزرق |
What are my features? I am a young girl with skin as white as the moon. I am the one who can provide her guest not only with support, but also make hot desires a reality, be a real friend to him or become a passionate lover, which you have not met before.
What are my features? I am a young girl with skin as white as the moon. I am the one who can provide her guest not only with support, but also make hot desires a reality, be a real friend to him or become a passionate lover, which you have not met
What are my features? I am a young girl with skin as white as the moon. I am the one who can provide her guest not only with support, but also make hot desires a reality, be a real friend to him or become a passionate lover, which you have not met before.