
أنثى / 21 سنة / برج الحمل

هي ليست على الإنترنت الآن. آخر مرة كانت منذ فترة طويلة.

متى ستكون متصلًا بالإنترنت

ابحث عن فتاة على الإنترنت


عِرقسوداء البشرة
اللغاتالإنجليزية, الأسبانية
حجم تمثال نصفيصغيرة الحجم
حجم الحمارمتوسطة الحجم
لون الشعرامرأة سمراء
لون العينأسمر

أنا أحب

It excites me that they caress me, to kiss me with passion, I want you to rose your body with mine and slowly take off my clothes, have love with clothes, move as you want against my body


I want you to bite between my legs at this precise moment to beg you to pass your tongue through my favorite parts, I want a man who supports me, supports me in the kitchen, in the room, in bed, everywhere.

It excites me that they caress me, to kiss me with passion, I want you to rose your body with mine and slowly take off my clothes, have love with clothes, move as you want against my body

I want you to bite between my legs at this precise moment to beg you to pass your tongue through my favorite parts, I want a man who supports me, supports me in the kitchen, in the room, in bed, everywhere.

أنا لا أحب

I like men without fears, my mind is ready for everything, do you have it little? I will grow it as much as you never imagined, you have it soft I will wear it hard, do you stop it? Let me sit in you.


The lack of imagination to enjoy my body

ما الذي يمكنك رؤيته في الفيديو الخاص بي