
أنثى / 20 سنة / برج العذراء / متصل!

مدة البث ، دقائق 92

عدد المشاهدين 8


colombia, latina
عِرقلاتيني / اسباني
اللغاتالإنجليزية, الأسبانية
حجم تمثال نصفيضخم
حجم الحماركبيرة الحجم
لون الشعرحمراء الشعر
لون العينأسمر


I like to give hugs, I like to see everyone smile even if I like it in part. I do not like falsehood, nor lies. I hate people who think they are superior to others or who believe that with a snap of their fingers they will have everything done. I have always liked to fight for what I want and I have encountered many obstacles that I could not knock down, stones that made me stumble and people that made it difficult for me to pass.

أنا أحب

I'm very excited that they talk to my ear while they caress my shoulders

أنا لا أحب

It turns me off that they only think about penetrating without first stimulating.

ما الذي يمكنك رؤيته في الفيديو الخاص بي