أنثى / 25 سنة / برج العذراء
هي ليست على الإنترنت الآن. آخر مرة كانت اليوم.
اسم | kylieloved22 |
أين | |
عِرق | لاتيني / اسباني |
اللغات | الإنجليزية, الأسبانية |
التفضيلات | مستقيم |
ارتفاع | 157 |
وزن | 46 |
حجم تمثال نصفي | صغيرة الحجم |
حجم الحمار | متوسطة الحجم |
كس | محلوق |
لون الشعر | امرأة سمراء |
لون العين | أسمر |
I work since I was 14 years old, I have studied at the same time, I continue working and studied, I worked 5 years at the restaurant of my aunt, I am a technical bachelor in software programming, technology in business management. Now I am at the university doing systems engineering with emphasis on forensic computer. I have to pagrme my things since I was a child, therefore I need good money to be able to pay for rent, food, services my study, apart from the university, I am also doing an English course to achieve an advanced
أنا أحب
أنا لا أحب
the people who get into the lifes from others and do not respect.
the people who get into the lifes from others and do not respect.