
أنثى / 24 سنة / العقرب / متصل!

مدة البث ، دقائق 8

عدد المشاهدين 6


Colombia, Medellin
عِرقسوداء البشرة
التفضيلاتثنائي الجنس
حجم تمثال نصفيمتوسطة الحجم
حجم الحماركبيرة الحجم
لون الشعرامرأة سمراء
لون العينأسمر


Hi you guys, my name is Sophia, but you can call me Angel. Im an exotic funny and clumsy Godness who will help to you to explore all your senses before you fall un love 🤍🤍🤍 Remember to add me as lover


Hi you guys, my name is Sophia, but you can call me Angel. Im an exotic funny and clumsy Godness who will help to you to explore all your senses before you fall un love 🤍🤍🤍 Remember to add me as lover ✨

Hi you guys, my name is Sophia, but you can call me Angel. Im an exotic funny and clumsy Godness who will help to you to explore all your senses before you fall un love 🤍🤍🤍 Remember to add me as lover ✨

أنا أحب

Magical guys (even girls) who know what they wants and dont make me waste my time! 🤩🤩🤩


Magical guys (even girls) who know what they wants and dont make me waste my time! 🤩🤩🤩 ✨

Magical guys (even girls) who know what they wants and dont make me waste my time! 🤩🤩🤩 ✨

أنا لا أحب

People who didnt say Hi, who doesnt appreciate my job here and dont put a comment in my profile after get the glory! 🥴😵🥶


People who didnt say Hi, who doesnt appreciate my job here and dont put a comment in my profile after get the glory! 🥴😵🥶 ✨

People who didnt say Hi, who doesnt appreciate my job here and dont put a comment in my profile after get the glory! 🥴😵🥶 ✨

ما الذي يمكنك رؤيته في الفيديو الخاص بي